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Gemstone Meanings

is said to promote grounding, protection as well as giving courage and emotional strength.
is believed to be a soothing stone.  It may aid in maintaining optimum health as well as soothing emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear.
is believed to be a protective stone which calms the mind and increases intuition and inspiration.  It provides a link to your own inner wisdom.
is said to calm the mind and be supportive during times of stress. It can also give courage and strength to anyone feeling sensitive or overwhelmed by responsibility.
is good for grounding an individual emotionally as well as encouraging a positive outlook.
Black Onyx
is believed to increase self-confidence and provides the determination to pursue goals and ambitions.
Botswana Agate
is said to provide comfort and assists in overcoming fears particularly at times of change.

is a gemstone associated with the zodiac sign Virgo and is believed to be a gemstone of power, ambition, inspiration and courage, confidence, creativity, individuality and self-realisation.
is known as the gemstone of happiness and is believed to be a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, as well as encouraging generosity and sharing good fortune.
Clear Quartz
can stimulate the immune system and bring the body into balance.  It may help to absorb, store, release and regulate energy.
Cultured Pearl
are said to be associated with purity, honesty, love, friendship and patience as well as enhancing personal integrity and helping to clear the mind.
can bring longevity to relationships, balance, clarity and abundance as well as courage and hope.
is believed to bring wisdom, true friendship, positivity and foresight in to the future, as well as being a strong stone of protection.
Fancy Jasper
is said to be a good protection stone as well as being able to bring tranquility, comfort and wholeness.
may help to provide balance, clarity as well as increasing self-confidence.
is believed to activate and strengthen the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope as well as sharpening perceptions of oneself and others.  It’s also said to be a protective stone.
Green Amethyst
may assist with balancing emotions as well as increasing your sense of compassion and self love.
is said to have a grounding energy, giving strength, vitality and dynamism.  It can also enhance confidence, willpower and self-esteem.
​is believed to help strengthen intuition, faith and trust.  It may also calm an overactive mind and develop enthusiasm and new ideas.

is said to promote intelligence and creativity as well as building will power and blocking negative energy.



is known as a nurturing stone as well as providing a protective shield against negative or dangerous situations. It also helps promote energy and new ideas and to bring kindness to ourselves and others.



is said to be a calming gemstone which also enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.

Mother of Pearl
is believed to be a protection stone, relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions, as well as stimulating intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability.
is known as an emotional stone and can reflect the mood of the wearer.  It is said to help release inhibitions, strengthen memory and stimulate creativity.
can enhance confidence and assertion to motivate growth and change, as well as helping to alleviate jealousy and resentment.



is considered a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances precognition and inner knowing and enables you always to be prepared. 
is a grounding and positive stone and helps to build self worth, confidence and trust.
is thought to be beneficial for manifesting, healing and protection as well as balancing energies.
Rainbow Obsidian
strong protective and grounding properties, and also absorbs negative energy when worn on the person
is said to be a stone of inner growth, helping with self-love and bringing emotional balance and calmness.
Rose Quartz
is said to promote unconditional love and inner peace as well as restoring emotional balance. It is also known as the gemstone of friendship.
can encourage passion and a zest for life as well as helping to remove negative energies from your path.
is known as the “wisdom stone” and the “stone of prosperity”. It is said to restore balance within the body, stimulate concentration, bring peace of mind and fulfil dreams and desires.
may stimulate intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability.
Shell Pearl 
can symbolise good health and prosperity as well as enhancing personal integrity and protection.

can bring order and calmness to the mind.  It is said to encourage objectivity, truth and intuition as well as bringing emotional balance.

Smokey Quartz
is said to be a protective and grounding gemstone which removes negativity and transforms it into positive energy.

can assist with self-empowerment and independence as well as increasing self-worth and confidence.  It can also encourage optimism and enthusiasm.

is said to be a very protective gemstone with calming and soothing attributes.  It can be beneficial for overcoming communication difficulties as well inspiring feelings of compassion and love and keeping the person wearing the stone centred.

is believed to be a stone which directs energy to where it is needed most and brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health.  It promotes openness and honesty, self-realization and self-control.

can help with the understanding of oneself and others while also promoting self-confidence and attracting inspiration and prosperity.
is a purification and strengthening stone. It is good for dispelling negative energy, alleviating pollution and protecting against outside influences.
White Quartz
​can help to promote clarity of mind as well as dispelling negativity, both in our environment and in our own personal energy fields.

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